Close to Home, Heterophobia Claims A Legislator
October 18, 2018

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October 18, 2018
Peter said (October 19, 2018):
I think it was John Cleese who said in an interview this century that Monty Python would not be possible these days because of all the political correctness.
I don't know about sitting on laps, but this is their Come Sit On My Face (and Tell Me That You Love Me). 1min
If people woke up and knew that it is all smoke and mirrors then the wind would be taken out of the sails of distraction and perhaps the really important issues would get some exposure, like who owns the banks
and media and how the ruling elite, the Jewish Cult, is less than perfect. They can do distraction on those issues too though if it comes to that.
Funny how Murdoch has cornered the local newspaper market in Australia (ARN) and carries a lot of promotions of decadence which is ok as long as it is 'gay'. And lately they have demanded that we pay for it too. I
get by on the headlines of articles I mostly would not wish to view. I
think we will have to go back to the convict era having the Government Gazette nailed to trees and telegraph poles so the Admiralty Courts can assume that we have been informed and consent to their jurisdiction, as
internet news is not even good for toilet paper as Nature's shit globally hits the fans of Spin. What goes around....
Al Thompson said (October 18, 2018):
I think I have to agree with Marcos on this one. The man is immature for 69 years old and needs adult supervision. That's the kind of nonsense we might see in high school. But given the fact that he's a govtard his immaturity reflects the politics of the day.
Thanks Al
But this was a social misstep, not rape, theft or murder.
Alex C said (October 18, 2018):
If his approaches to women are coarse then it's likely his overall thinking is coarse so an easy target for them surely is he. Though I imagine his relationship to himself and to "God" cost him his job, the lead into these weird incidents. He couldn't substantiate his acts in his own workplace!! I bet he eats a lot of cow. 100 quid.
When they control a large portion of the masses it looks like they can decide for the constituents how these matters will play out. Perhaps he is a victim but I'm not worried an essential man has fallen, more than his rights were trampled on by the corporate judicial system like everyone else's. That is a/the lynchpin that holds everyone in a religious fear of God and government: a rogue corporate judiciary that puts citizens as a lower class and uses this status against them ad nauseum until they either Love to Hate or Hate to Love. Pick a side or one will be chosen for you at birth. Ye shall not know thyself.
Yet for people of magnificent conscience, it's all about balance. Stern logic can be a guide to many wonders of self. I wish the man was able to keep his job but he didn't even have the willpower to keep it, so... Meh
I get it though Dr. Henry. I'm glad you are keeping an eye on all this and I'm really using your information wisely I believe. :)
Robert K said (October 18, 2018):
These women were staff, and therefore this behavior was certainly egregious and completely unacceptable. As long as, in the face of patent material abundance, financial independence is artificially withheld from women (and men) by our legislatures, this kind of impropriety protected by the subordination inherent in the employer-employee relationship is utterly repugnant.
David S said (October 18, 2018):
t is only a matter of time before a heterosexual man who asks a female co-worker "while smiling" at her to go on
a date with him will be subject to dismissal from his job, especially if she doesn't think he is "marriage material".
In the short term, women will definitely gain the upper hand with office jobs because it will be safer for men to not work in an office but in the long term the typical male business owner is going to have an all-male office staff and those foolish women will be forced to work in more dangerous labour jobs or collect welfare.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Will said (October 19, 2018):
It seems funny that the comment of a politician made in jest drew the ire of some, while male celebrities who have children at an advanced age do not. Look at Mick Jagger with nine kids, Tony Randall( at 77), Anthony Quinn ( at 80) all made babies with younger women but they aren't called names by the public. Randall went on TV to tell about it.
A woman who sits on her married boss' lap is not using good judgment and it might be considered a come on, but her action wasn't questioned. I've seen women wear inappropriate short skirts or low cut blouses to work, but no one is supposed to comment about it. Women wear the shortest shorts in public, but no man is supposed to notice or comment unless he wants to get scolded for sexual harassment. Men under forty get a free pass and a date perhaps if they make a comment.